【SCOMEカフェ#4 開催報告】
「SCOMEカフェ」とはカフェにいるような感覚でIFMSA-Japan Staffがざっくばらんにお話する、交流会です。
【4th SCOME Cafe Event Report】
On July 6th,we held the 4th SCOME Cafe on Zoom, with a total of 21 participants.
“SCOME Cafe” is a social gathering where staff of IFMSA-Japan can come and talk about anything with a relaxing mood as if they were in a cafe.
For an icebreaker, we talked about the theme: “What is the pride of your hometowns?”
From participants,
“Tokyo is a comfortable place to live with convenient transportation”
“I can feel at ease from nature.”
We could share good aspects of their hometowns.
The theme of the main session was “What if you could have one wish come true” which is related to “Tanabata.”
—What is “Tanabata”?
There is a legend that every year on July 7, Orihime and Hikoboshi (stars Vega and Altair) meet in the Milky Way. On Tanabata day, it is customary for Japanese people to write their wishes on long strips of paper or wood (called Tanzaku) and hang them on bamboo branches to make them come true.
Participants talked about their memories of Tanabata in the past and what they would like to wish for this year.
Comments from participants:
“I want to start a new part-time job!”
“I wish it would be 48 hours a day“
“I want to go on a trip abroad.”
We plan to hold SCOME Cafe once a month with a different theme.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this event.